Unlock inclusion and accessibility in one classroom.

Just because a student is identified as GT or as needing special education doesn’t mean they need a separate place to learn. With on-demand accessibility features and flexible Challenges, Mindsets makes it easy to provide instruction for all your students and meet them where they are to remove barriers to learning.

Trusted By

“More participation than anything else I’ve given students! Mindsets is better than anything else I’ve seen.”

Eli Edinson, Math Teacher

Special education students

Special education learners, including visually impaired students, have the flexibility to adjust the font size of a Mindsets Challenge — making it larger or smaller to support their needs.

Students on the spectrum can focus their attention when and where it matters by zooming in on one line or a few lines at a time.

Students with dyslexia can choose their preferred background color from a wide range of choices that personalize the Mindsets experience.

English language learners

With Mindsets, English language learners don’t have to take a back seat. They can listen to the text of a Mindsets Challenge and the text of their responses in both their native language and English.

Students can access translations, a picture dictionary, scaffolded words and text-to-speech — all seamlessly integrated into the learning journey.

Mindsets includes 3 versions of Spanish and 100+ other languages. If your students speak Haitian Creole, Brazilian Portuguese, Arabic or Tagalog we have you covered.

Gifted and Talented

Provide math learnings that keep up with your Gifted and Talented students.

Enrich and accelerate students in math with multi step real-world scenarios which engage them to think about how they can use their talents to solve real-world problems.

  • Step 1

    Go on safari!

    Visit an animal sanctuary in Africa and see how the animals are cared for.

  • Step 2

    Compare animal sizes.

    Compare the sizes of male and female rhinos and other animals at the sanctuary. Which one is bigger?

  • Step 3

    Visit the ocean.

    Investigate the sizes of ocean animals: mako sharks, whales, and octopi. Which one needs more food?

  • Step 4

    Bonus – Which animal will you investigate?

    From a class poll, choose an animal to investigate. Compare the weights of the female and male animal and decide which one is the bigger animal.

See a Mindsets Challenge in action.

Challenges walk students through 4 interactive steps. After providing context for the activity, students participate in application-based activities to solve a real-world problem.

Get a Guided Walkthrough

Math Practice development is key to greater student success.

By focusing on students’ cognitive and executive function skills, the Math Practices help set students up for success in areas beyond just math. Download our full playbook to learn how to leverage Math Practices education for student success.

Download the Playbook